講師 Josh

出身校Far Eastern University

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English


講師歴 | 5年以上

趣味 | 家族や親戚と一緒に過ごすこと、映画鑑賞



Hello Students! Konnichiwa! This is Teacher Josh and I will be glad to walk with you on your path to becoming proficient in the English language. I’m a Licensed Professional Teacher. I earned a degree in education majoring in English from one of the most well-known universities in Manila. I have 2 special diplomas TESOL and TEC (Teaching English to Children) from an International College in Vancouver, Canada.

I have a lot of teaching experience, especially with foreign students. I handled students of all ages, from toddlers who are just starting to learn the language to as mature as senior citizens who want to familiarize themselves with Travel English. I will cater to your needs in the best way possible.

生徒の皆さん、こんにちは!私は講師ジョシュです。生徒さんが英語を使いこなせるようになるまでの道のりを一緒に歩んでいけたら嬉しいです。私はプロの教員免許を持っています。マニラで最も有名な大学の一つで英語を専攻し、教育学の学位を取得しました。カナダのバンクーバーにあるインターナショナル・カレッジでTESOLとTEC(Teaching English to Children)の2つの特別ディプロマを取得しました。
